Sunday, 6 November 2016

Where is "good news for the poor"?

Our church councils and committees are taken up with many things but, in the light of what is happening in our society, should not these words from Luke 4, Jesus' mission statement, be at the top of our agenda.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4.18-19)

In response to the Ken Loach film, "I, Daniel Blake", Social Work Tutor has penned these powerful words.

How long can we use most of our resources on maintaining church fabrics and most of our energies on maintaining the minutiae of church life and ignore the cries of the poor and the oppressed?

Thursday, 19 May 2016

European Referendum

Whilst Llandudno CYTÛN was happy to sponsor Welsh Election hustings, it has opted not to put on a European Referendum debate because of the difficulty in in obtaining honest, factual information as opposed to the assertions of the IN and OUT camps.

An article in today's Daily Mail illustrates the problem.  There's no disguising the fact that the Mail is in favour of Brexit in the European Referendum and there are no lengths to which it will not go to support its case.

In today's paper, it asserts that a European Court judgement is preventing British Security Services from denying entry to known terrorist supects.

This is supposedly supported by court papers and a junior Justice Minister Dominic Raab.  It's worrying when a Justice Minister either doesn't know the law or deliberately misinterprets it for political purposes.

We shall hear much more of this as the British Government attempts to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights, an issue which CYTÛN might like to consider because it is much more focused and human rights ought to be something about which Christians are concerned.
The supreme judicial authority in the UK is the Supreme Court in London.  It has to take account of European Court rulings but it does not have to follow them.
This excellent article from Bella Sankey, the Director of Policy at Liberty, refers.  Personally I'd prefer Liberty to the Daily Mail as an authority.
I quote the relevant paragraph but the whole article is worth reading by those interested in the human rights debate as well as the European Referendum one.

"Under the HRA, Britain's courts are only required to "take account" of ECtHR judgments, not follow them. British courts regularly depart from Strasbourg jurisprudence to take account of UK laws, traditions and customs, and the Supreme Court is already the ultimate arbiter of human rights cases here. In fact, when the Human Rights Bill was passing through Parliament (in 1998), the Conservatives tried to amend it to say British Courts should be bound by Strasbourg - a proposal rejected by Parliament."

Back to the European Referendum.  When I lectured undergraduates, they were always very keen to write questionnaires to support their research, so it was incumbent on me to point out some of the pitfalls they might want to avoid.  One sample question I tried out on them was "Is 50 billion pounds per year enough, or too little to spend on the NHS?"  One of the difficulties with this question is that most of us don't have the information or knowledge to know whether £50 billion is enough.  The European Referendum debate poses many questions on which we simply don't have enough information.  Figures about the economic cost/benefit of IN or OUT can be conjured up to prove anything.

There are however some questions we might consider:

The original EU of 6 nations, not including the UK, was formed because the countries involved had been involved in the two largest wars in history in the first half of the 20th century.  It was felt that those, who were bound together by trade and some common rules, were far less likely to go to war against each other in the future.  Is this principle still an important one?

Do we start from the position that the other peoples of Europe are our neighbours or that they are foreigners/potential unwanted immigrants?
Can we draw up a list of what things we think ought to unite us as Europeans and compare them with what things we think divide us?

If UK voters vote OUT, how does the UK set about establishing relations with those countries nearest to us whom we have just rejected?

If UK voters vote IN. how might we set about reforming the EU so that it is more responsive to the ordinary citizen, how might we make it more democratic?

And - if you were wondering - the current NHS annual budget is about £116.4 million ( it isn't clear whether that includes Wales or not).  From the service you receive, do you think that is enough?

Every blessing as you ponder your vote in the referendum,

Mike Harrison

CYTÛN President

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Elections and Referendums

We are now in the season of elections and referendums.

We enjoyed a good hustings in Llandudno on 20th April where candidates from four parties answered questions.  It is easy to be cynical about politicians but I have the highest respect for many of those stading for public office.  We shouldn't let headlines about "bad apples" distract us from the long hours of public service offered on our behalf.

Llandudno CYTÛN does not offer direction on which party to vote for but it does encourage everyone to vote.  Anyone who has seen the recent film "Sufragette" will realise that many made great sacrifices so that we could vote.

Christians should test the promises and records of the parties against strong biblical principles.  The Bible has much to say about how the poor, the outcast, the stranger and foreigner should be treated.  There are themes about our stewardship of God's creation and principles of how we should act for the common good. How do the records, as well as the pledges, of the parties stack up up in comparison?

Remember that we are voting for  a WELSH Assembly.  Neither David Cameron nor Jeremy Corbyn are candidates in this election whatever the papers or some campaign leaflets may imply.

Resources can be found here: 

Remember that in the Welsh Assembly Elections, each voter has two votes.  The first is for a constituency candidate.  The second is for a party and may be cast for a different party to the first vote.  Indeed there are very good reasons for considering a different second vote depending of your preferences.

At the same time as the Welsh Assembly Elections,  there is a parallel election for a Police Commissioner for North Wales.  The public can be forgiven for asking who the candidates are and what they are offering.  There is very little information in the public domain.

On 24th June, there is a Referendum on Britain's membership of Europe.  The campaign so far has been disappointing with more bluster than fact. It is good therefore the Joint Public Issues Team of The Methodist Church, The Baptist Union and the United Reformed Church have produced some excellent resources which can be found here 

If each voter thinks carefully and compassionately and remembers Jesus's injunction to love their neighbour, our democracy might produce a ray of hope.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Good Friday Reflections

Around a hundred people walked through Llandudno's Mistyn Street for the Annual Walk of Witness on Good Friday culminating in an open air service outside Holy Trinity Parish Church.

The prayers were taken from David Rhodes' reflections in "It Wasn't the Nails" published by Wild Goose Publications in 2015.

It’s easy to think of the Crucifixion as something that happened a long time ago. But for some people every day is Good Friday. People forced into poverty, those who are homeless. Those seeking asylum. People crushed by debt and treated with contempt by the powerful. Jesus is crucified today in their suffering ….. 

Asylum seekers Lord. It’s so easy to think of asylum seekers (when we think of them at all) as Other. As foreign, different in colour and perhaps religion. We think of them as distant. We are tempted to think of them coming to ‘our’ country. Yes, there’s distance and a feeling of separation in the idea of asylum. But help us, Lord, to remember that, at the hour of our own death, we ourselves will be asylum seekers. Hoping and praying for sanctuary and a loving welcome with you in heaven. Let our own mortality help us to be one with those who seek asylum in Britain today. And let us offer them gladly the hospitality of love that is your gift to us all.
Lord in your mercy      Hear our prayer.

Debt: Why did we do it, Lord? Rewrite your prayer.  You said “cancel our debts”, but we preferred “forgive us our trespasses”, - which sounds a lot more dignified.  Moderate. Respectable.  But you, it seems, said debts – and you said it to people experiencing crushing debt. Debt that brought dishonour, destitution, slavery and death. We prefer the calm of organised religion, but your focus was on organised greed and oppression. Debt is still with us today. Help us, Lord, to remember that debt and the struggle for justice are at the heart of our spirituality. And at the heart of Your Prayer.
Lord in your mercy    Hear our prayer.

Food banks: OK, Lord, we’ve got it now. Money banks are bad, food banks are good. And, it has to be said, food banks certainly help people: lots of hungry people. They’re a symbol of caring and compassion. So, why didn’t you set up food banks, Lord? Or walk-in clinics, come to that? There were vast numbers of hungry and sick people in first-century Palestine. It’s only very gradually we realise your miracles were a sign not a solution. Your solution was an end to injustice and oppression. But that threatened the system: the system operated by the rich and powerful. Looking back on all that, it’s clear that the Cross was inevitable. But no one is likely to get crucified for running a food bank. Which should make us think. Maybe we need to go beyond the Good Samaritan, as you did.
Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

The homeless: Lord, there’s a children’s game of skimming flat pebbles across a lake: watching them bounce along its surface. Maybe you played the game as a child at the Sea of Galilee. The trouble is, Lord, we play that game with the Gospel. We skim over it. You said ‘the son of man has nowhere to lay his head’. We read those familiar words, but we don’t want to let them sink in. We don’t really take in the fact that you were often homeless: no shelter, no bed, no toilet paper. You were alongside the homeless. And they, in turn, gave you loyalty and love. Today you meet us among the homeless. And in that encounter, we discover the depth of your love – for them and for ourselves.
Lord in your mercy    Hear our prayer.

The living wage: They were a great idea, Lord. Your parables. Simple stories with simple messages. But it seems we still manage to get them wrong. The labourers in the vineyard, for example. Was that about a generous landowner? An image of God himself? Or was it about exploitation: a rich man paying starvation wages to zero-hours labourers? And then, on top of that, setting them at each other’s throats? Was there a hard edge to your story? One that the poor and those turned off their land would have recognised? You came that we may have life. All of us. That means justice, respect and a ‘living’ wage. A life-giving wage. In a world of plenty, anything less than that is an injustice. A denial of your promise. God’s promise.
Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Welfare and work: Lord, why do so many people snigger at the mention of health and safety? Isn’t that exactly what we wish for our loved ones? We care about their well-being. Their welfare. That’s what love means, isn’t it? So how is it that ‘welfare’ has become such a dirty word in the tabloids and in the mouths of so many politicians? An insult. A judgement. An expression of sneering contempt. But you were born into the world because of the Father’s concern for our welfare. Our well-being. Our shalom.
Lord, let us find useful, meaningful work as we can, but let us always seek the welfare, the health and the safety, of our neighbour. Even of our politicians.
Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Child poverty: Lord, it’s amazing that many centuries ago we started cutting and pasting the Gospel. The bits we were uncomfortable with got deleted: at least in our minds. Like when you said you came to bring good news to the poor. But we deleted ‘to the poor’ and inserted the words: to us. You said the last shall be first. But a church controlled by men never asked who ‘the last’ actually were. They were the women and the children: the ones without power. Maybe those at the foot of the cross. So when we pray for an end to child poverty, help us to remember, Lord, that in those words we come very close to your love, your pain – and to your anger at injustice.
Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

It’s easy to think of the Crucifixion as something that happened a long time ago. But for some people every day is Good Friday. People forced into poverty, those who are homeless. Those seeking asylum. People crushed by debt and treated with contempt by the powerful. Jesus is crucified today in their suffering …..

Asylum seekers Lord. It’s so easy to think of asylum seekers (when we think of them at all) as Other. As foreign, different in colour and perhaps religion. We think of them as distant. We are tempted to think of them coming to ‘our’ country. Yes, there’s distance and a feeling of separation in the idea of asylum. But help us, Lord, to remember that, at the hour of our own death, we ourselves will be asylum seekers. Hoping and praying for sanctuary and a loving welcome with you in heaven. Let our own mortality help us to be one with those who seek asylum in Britain today. And let us offer them gladly the hospitality of love that is your gift to us all.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Debt: Why did we do it, Lord? Rewrite your prayer.  You said “cancel our debts”, but we preferred “forgive us our trespasses”, - which sounds a lot more dignified.  Moderate. Respectable.  But you, it seems, said debts – and you said it to people experiencing crushing debt. Debt that brought dishonour, destitution, slavery and death. We prefer the calm of organised religion, but your focus was on organised greed and oppression. Debt is still with us today. Help us, Lord, to remember that debt and the struggle for justice are at the heart of our spirituality. And at the heart of Your Prayer.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Food banks: OK, Lord, we’ve got it now. Money banks are bad, food banks are good. And, it has to be said, food banks certainly help people: lots of hungry people. They’re a symbol of caring and compassion. So, why didn’t you set up food banks, Lord? Or walk-in clinics, come to that? There were vast numbers of hungry and sick people in first-century Palestine. It’s only very gradually we realise your miracles were a sign not a solution. Your solution was an end to injustice and oppression. But that threatened the system: the system operated by the rich and powerful. Looking back on all that, it’s clear that the Cross was inevitable. But no one is likely to get crucified for running a food bank. Which should make us think. Maybe we need to go beyond the Good Samaritan, as you did.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

The homeless: Lord, there’s a children’s game of skimming flat pebbles across a lake: watching them bounce along its surface. Maybe you played the game as a child at the Sea of Galilee. The trouble is, Lord, we play that game with the Gospel. We skim over it. You said ‘the son of man has nowhere to lay his head’. We read those familiar words, but we don’t want to let them sink in. We don’t really take in the fact that you were often homeless: no shelter, no bed, no toilet paper. You were alongside the homeless. And they, in turn, gave you loyalty and love. Today you meet us among the homeless. And in that encounter, we discover the depth of your love – for them and for ourselves.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

The living wage: They were a great idea, Lord. Your parables. Simple stories with simple messages. But it seems we still manage to get them wrong. The labourers in the vineyard, for example. Was that about a generous landowner? An image of God himself? Or was it about exploitation: a rich man paying starvation wages to zero-hours labourers? And then, on top of that, setting them at each other’s throats? Was there a hard edge to your story? One that the poor and those turned off their land would have recognised? You came that we may have life. All of us. That means justice, respect and a ‘living’ wage. A life-giving wage. In a world of plenty, anything less than that is an injustice. A denial of your promise. God’s promise.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Welfare and work: Lord, why do so many people snigger at the mention of health and safety? Isn’t that exactly what we wish for our loved ones? We care about their well-being. Their welfare. That’s what love means, isn’t it? So how is it that ‘welfare’ has become such a dirty word in the tabloids and in the mouths of so many politicians? An insult. A judgement. An expression of sneering contempt. But you were born into the world because of the Father’s concern for our welfare. Our well-being. Our shalom.
Lord, let us find useful, meaningful work as we can, but let us always seek the welfare, the health and the safety, of our neighbour. Even of our politicians.

Lord in your mercy     Hear our prayer.

Child poverty: Lord, it’s amazing that many centuries ago we started cutting and pasting the Gospel. The bits we were uncomfortable with got deleted: at least in our minds. Like when you said you came to bring good news to the poor. But we deleted ‘to the poor’ and inserted the words: to us. You said the last shall be first. But a church controlled by men never asked who ‘the last’ actually were. They were the women and the children: the ones without power. Maybe those at the foot of the cross. So when we pray for an end to child poverty, help us to remember, Lord, that in those words we come very close to your love, your pain – and to your anger at injustice.

Lord in your mercy    Hear our prayer.