Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Elections and Referendums

We are now in the season of elections and referendums.

We enjoyed a good hustings in Llandudno on 20th April where candidates from four parties answered questions.  It is easy to be cynical about politicians but I have the highest respect for many of those stading for public office.  We shouldn't let headlines about "bad apples" distract us from the long hours of public service offered on our behalf.

Llandudno CYTÛN does not offer direction on which party to vote for but it does encourage everyone to vote.  Anyone who has seen the recent film "Sufragette" will realise that many made great sacrifices so that we could vote.

Christians should test the promises and records of the parties against strong biblical principles.  The Bible has much to say about how the poor, the outcast, the stranger and foreigner should be treated.  There are themes about our stewardship of God's creation and principles of how we should act for the common good. How do the records, as well as the pledges, of the parties stack up up in comparison?

Remember that we are voting for  a WELSH Assembly.  Neither David Cameron nor Jeremy Corbyn are candidates in this election whatever the papers or some campaign leaflets may imply.

Resources can be found here:


Remember that in the Welsh Assembly Elections, each voter has two votes.  The first is for a constituency candidate.  The second is for a party and may be cast for a different party to the first vote.  Indeed there are very good reasons for considering a different second vote depending of your preferences.

At the same time as the Welsh Assembly Elections,  there is a parallel election for a Police Commissioner for North Wales.  The public can be forgiven for asking who the candidates are and what they are offering.  There is very little information in the public domain.

On 24th June, there is a Referendum on Britain's membership of Europe.  The campaign so far has been disappointing with more bluster than fact. It is good therefore the Joint Public Issues Team of The Methodist Church, The Baptist Union and the United Reformed Church have produced some excellent resources which can be found here http://ow.ly/4nnjxD 

If each voter thinks carefully and compassionately and remembers Jesus's injunction to love their neighbour, our democracy might produce a ray of hope.

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